Retail & Marketing

Marketing and communications

Marketing is a sector filled with early adopters, who immediately seek to take advantage of all new available technologies and procedures. That’s why artificial intelligence is already an ordinary part of commonly used marketing tools, interactive ads, and also an intelligent creator of personalized content. Given the nature of marketing, in other words influencing target groups – by companies, political parties or media – one of the biggest challenges for artificial intelligence is fulfilling the moral and ethical values of its use.

Our key areas of interest:

  • Marketing Automation & Analytics
  • Content Creation & Analytics
  • Content Marketing
  • Automated Personalization
  • Social Intelligence
  • Media

According to Venture Scanner, at the end of 2017, there were 1 750 active marketing companies that received a total investment of 32 billion USD. In Europe, marketing is the most successful sector in terms of the use of artificial intelligence with an investment of 273 million USD.

Currently, the use of artificial intelligence is mainly in the field of marketing automation, both in the sense of intelligent robotization (iRPA), and fully autonomous platforms with the ability not only to create personalized offers but capable of handling the whole process, including communication and sales.

In the future, the development of tools for tailor-made content creation and autonomous communication is expected. We will also see a rise in the development of technologies preventing people from being manipulated by these new technologies.

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