Visual Rebranding of AISI

Date: 21. 4. 2020
By: Aleš Sýkora

There are many reasons why an organization undergo rebranding

International growth, new management, new growth plans or new products/services, outdated image and even bad reputation.

On average, organizations and brands change or update their brands about once every seven years. This often involves restyling logos, color palettes, visual language, and the photographic style, in addition to strategic repositioning.

Visual Rebranding of AISI

In a small number of cases, the name of the organization is also changed during this process. Although there is usually one leading reason for making the change, the motivation behind a rebrand­ing project is often a combination of various factors.

What about our AI Startup Incubator rebrand-ing project?

New Management and processes

A new model for managing Startup’s evaluation and incubation combined with increased productivity to drive costs with a nimbler, innovation-focused approach to adapt to a rapid changing ecosystem and Startup’s needs has been deployed.

As the famous saying goes “Start small, think big”. Grow bigger I would add.

AI Startup Incubator was born (August 2018) within a maturing EU tech startup ecosystem which set a record of €25 billion in 2017, an almost 500% increase from a mere €4.3 billion raised in 2012. Has been estimated that if tech startup funding keeps increasing at this rate, in 2023 the funding levels will reach almost €150 billion [1].

After Q1 of 2019 the AI Startup Incubator leadership team was refreshed and enlarged to enable the change and better cope with a steadily increasing number of startup applications to the evaluation stage.

We strongly believe in the need of a continuous improvement methodology. Processes and knowledge must be continuously reviewed in order to achieve the desired capabilities.

New Website

Right before the COVID-19 epidemic went full swing across EU we started building out our new website. The new design aimed to build the proper trust towards the company. The key elements of the rebranding are: an enhanced color palette, the use of mono-tone flat-design icons, and a functional yet simplified navigation. A few months later an all-new AISI website is born from its own ashes with a fresher and optimized look.

Visual Rebranding of AISI

Company name & Logo

Our organization name has not changed. While creating our new website we decided it’s time to create a new logo which better represent our domain and values. We also decided to utilize a shorter version of the AI Startup Incubator name: A.I.S.I.

Visual Rebranding of AISI
Old Logo

New logo of AI Startup Incubator

AISI AI Startup Incubator logo
Short AISI Logo
Visual Rebranding of AISI
Long AI Startup Incubator Logo

The new AISI Logo is the primary visual tool to build recognition and trust in the company. It comprises a logo symbol (pictogram) & the wordmark AISI. The use of a one-voice color palette enhances the look of AISI brand across all relevant media

Visual Rebranding of AISI
New Logo Construction

The Logo symbol evokes the concept of artificial intelligence in combination with technology and its application in real life.

Although many elements show a superficial level of detachment, they lead to a deeper, functional, and balanced connection among the components of the logo.

What’s next?

Every month we setup goals for the Startups we want to partner with and for AI Incubator itself.

We adopt the so-called Strategic Planning or "VMOSA" (Vision, Mission, Objectives, Strategies, and Action Plans). This is nothing else than a practical planning process that can be used by any community organization or initiative. We comprehensively plan how we can help our organization by providing a blueprint for moving from vision to actions to positive outcomes for our startup community.

VMOSA allows AI Startup Incubator to focus on short-term goals while keeping sight of the long-term mission.

Visual Rebranding of AISI

Our next action steps are a business model review and put an updated model into practice to fit into the EU startup fast-evolving environment.

Stay tuned to know more about us!

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